Disorders of mind are very common in their prevalence in society and are peculiar to have strange presentations so that they are often missed by the person suffering from them as well as by their caregivers. There is a huge list of mental disorders .Any unusual change in behavior or feeling pa!ern should alert us to check for psychiatric illnesses.
Detailed list of disorders can be obtained from
Major symptoms of mental disorders are
- Feeling empty & numb.
- Loss of interest and pleasure in things .
- Irritability or anxiety.
- Trouble making decisions.
- Feeling guilty or worthless.
- Sadness, remaining silent and feeling emotionless, lac of energy and hope ,easy fatigability (Depression)
- Forgetfulness, ghabrahat,palpitaions, breathlessness, sweating, choking,endless worries,fear of impending doom ( Anxiety and Panic disorders)
- Doubts, useless unwanted thoughts running in mind, repeatitive behaviour even against the wish , lac of concentartion,distractability (OCD)
- Exessive irrational fear (Phobia)
- Episodes of severe mood changes, agitaion, excitation, exessive spending and expensive behaviour (Bipolar Disorder)
- Pervassive abberations in bahviour pattern (Personality disrders)
- Sucidal thoughts,, talking about dying, Suicidal attempts
- Change in the pattern of sleep, apetite and self care
- Hearing vioces, taking and responding to them, smiling to self, muttering, suspiciousness Talking about strange unbeleivable experiences, increased interest in worship and religious things (Psychosis)
- Stress related disorders (Adjustment disorder, PTSD)
- Lac interest in sex.
- Headech, prolonged body pains, dystrees with prolongd intractable physical illness.
- Hysterical fits (Conversion and dissocitaive states)
- Sex problems,
- childhood behavioural and school problems.(ADHD Autism)
- Dependent use of Alcohol, smack, charas, ganja, tobacco, paints and solvents, prescription drugs etc. (Addiction problems)